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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Thomas
Created on May 23, 2023

Insights into more Dell Hardware

Since all our platforms are Dell, and the DSIA Agent is installed on all devices, i would love to get more hardware info from the devices. Specifically Dell Docking and their firmware/serial so we can keep track of the type of docking and warrant status on them.

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  • Andy Lukaszewski
    Nov 27, 2023

    Advanced Insights will soon provide information on Docking Stations from Dell, Lenovo and HP via custom hardware inventory extensions.

  • George Williams
    Aug 4, 2023

    Hi There,

    Can confirm that docking station reporting (DELL,HP,LENOVO) will be coming to Advanced Insights, firmware/serial reporting specifically for DELL will be limited to models that DSIA officially support. Worth noting that Dell Command Update can also provides us with firmware + serial numbers and may provide data on models that DSIA does not.



  • Guest
    Jun 14, 2023

    Actually, my problem is the reverse -- I want a task to get rid of all the Dell 'spamware' that automatically gets added to new Dell PCs (their whole suite of dell-manage-my-PC stuff like recover-imaging, scan for dell updates, etc)

    1 reply
  • George Williams
    Jun 2, 2023

    Hi Thomas,

    Great Idea, we've actually been interested in being able to report on docking stations for a while now. I will add this to our list of ideas and hopefully you will see this release in a future version down the road!


  • +13

Dock Info

Can dock information be pulled into Advanced Insights? It would be very useful to see which laptop is connected to which dock, firmware version, serial, usb-c/thunderbolt etc. Similar to display and network which is already included. Our estate is...
Colin Symon over 1 year ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 2 STARTED