A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Cisco Webex Meetings for VDI is a different MSI and needs its own updates package. We are running into issues where VDIs are updating the alternate MSI updates meant for physical devices, and breaking.
When creating deployments for intune offer an option of building groups with naming standards variables that the organization can define. ex: %scope%-%tgt%-%app%scope = prod/tst/pprdtgt = user/device/allapp = applets users define pattern or use ex...
Option to enable Windows Source Management for MSI based installs/updates
In config manager on an application under the deployment type properties for MSI based installs there is the windows source management option. Tells the client that instead of the c:\windows\ccmcache folder that the content is on the distribution ...
This product is behind a pay wall. This has pre-installation scripts that are needed. Execute-MSI -Path "msodbcsql.msi" -Parameters 'IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES /q' Execute-Process -Path "AutoSPRINK 2022 v17.1.17.exe" -Parameters "/S /v/qn" E...
Delay In-Place Application Upgrade Based On Publish Date, Not Release Date
The Publishing Service currently has this option: When a new version of an application is released, delay the in-place application upgrade by X days I have the above setting configured to delay in-place upgrades for the app by 14 days (our turnaro...
Latest version is https://support-en.wd.com/app/products/downloads/release-notes/note_id/29494 https://downloads.wdc.com/wdapp/WDDriveUtilitiesSetup_for_web_2.0.0.76.zip Used by certain users to unlock proprietary drives for repurposing a...
We use this software to encrypt sesitive data like medical records to protect them. Only with this client software en a certificate you can read the data.
Hi Justin, Can I request that the Receiver clean-up utility for Citrix be added as a package install for SCCM? It supports silent installation, available online as a public download https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX137494 The link provided sh...
We have configured PatchmyPC in our environment. Please add the following three applications, as PMPC does not support them. Genesys IC Busines Manager (ICBM)
Genesys IC User Application
Genesys ICU SIPSoftphone