A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
It could be nice to have updates and applications categorized - so it would be possible to subscribe to security only, or all updates Its not always you want to create new updates/applications - but most often security updates are very important t...
Ignore Conflicting Process when in maintenance window
I have run into a situation where I would like the ability to ignore the conflicting process and force close it when the device is in a maintenance window. But then also still maintain the conflicting process method when outside the maintenance wi...
We were using AdoptOpenJDK with OpenJ9 for IBM's Access Client Solutions (ACS). With their switch to Eclipse they are no longer able to build the OpenJ9 release. It has switched to IBM in their Semeru product.
Keeper Command compliments the Keeper Vault (Already published) by allowing CLI access to the vault and to SSH to other devices using keys stored in the vault. The Installer using InnoSetup.
Software Center - Privacy URL and User Documentation
Seems we are able to edit things like Title, Icon, and Description. Can we also add the ability to edit the Privacy URL and User Documentation. This way we are able to add our own custom hyperlinks to these sections. Could use it to easily point u...
Support Wildcards for process names in Conflicting Processes
Sometimes, some processes run as AppName-AppVersion.exeCustomers have to update the Conflicting process notification with each newer version. Would be good to be able to support wildcards for process names.
Add failed download URLs to the Publishing Service Reports
Whenever I receive the Publishing Service Reports there are often multiple failed downloads, as we block some domains on our servers for security reasons (GitHub, etc.). To save time when downloading them manually, it would be nice to include the ...
Syncplicity is a file share and synchronization service developed by Syncplicity Inc. The service lets users store and synchronize files between computers. It supports Microsoft Windows and macOS.
We have configured PatchmyPC in our environment. Please add the following two applications, as PMPC does not support them. Claro Screen Ruler 3.3
Dolphin Computer Access Dolphin SuperNova 21.01
ERwin ERwin Data Modeler (Navigator Edition R9) 9.7