A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Our technicians often use GoToAssist's Agent Desktop Console to provide remote support to employee machines. Having this as part of Patch My PC's catalog would enable us to automate the installation of the tool on technician's new machines and kee...
Largest social chat application in Korea. Use by the majority of our users in Korea for talking with customers/suppliers outside of the company. Similar in concept to WeChat in China, pretty much everyone there uses it It has been simple for us to...
Catalog Newsletter - Note which apps are Local Content
When sending the daily catalog newsletter email, it would be nice if it was indicated which apps were local content so that content could be added prior to sync.
Option not to run post script if app or update fails
We regularly use postscripts and noticed they are still running when app installs or updates fail. We only want the postscript running if the app install or update completes successfully. We regularly update information in the uninstall key in our...
this is a tool needed for Windows 365 Cloud PC's or Azure Virtual desktops. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/multimedia-redirection?tabs=edge
We have to maintain up to date the version of Deep Security Agent on our Windows Systems.There is an integrated solution in Trend Micro console, but we cannot respect the Maintenance windows configured in SCCM.For this main reasons, we would be ab...