A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
The ability to search/filter apps in the Supported Apps list by category. This would mean I you could choose an app for the business to use from the list, rather than knowing what you want and then having to see it is supported. An example being, ...
We are deploying Doxis (Document Management Solution) by SER Group On-Prem and their web site and front end is based off: Apache Tomcat 9.0 Mobilecube Apache Tomcat 9.0 Webcube I have tried patching these using the existing Apacahe Tomcat in PMPC ...
It would be helpful especially for Local Content to see the SHA256 (or SHA1) hash of the software from the catalog so that this can be compared against local content.
Support for installation and upgrading of HID Global's ActivClient smartcard middleware. As this is a licensed software, customer has to provide msi/exe files
please also add the agents https://docs.teradici.com/find/product/hp-anyware/2024.03/standard-agent-for-windows https://docs.teradici.com/find/product/hp-anyware/2024.03/graphics-agent-for-windows
Provide an API or PowerShell module to automate tasks in PMPC Publisher specifically for ConfigMan Applications
Our packaging team would like to use the Conifgman Apps function in PMPC but due to security rules, we do not give them administrator access to the top-level publisher. This means they will not be able to log into the server and launch the PMPC pu...