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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Is there a setting to update computers so they would not add or remove the desktop icons, instead leave it according to the user’s preference? For example, if a user already has a Firefox icon removed from their desktop can the update be setup to not change it according to the user’s preference and still leave the icon on the desktop for the users who like it on their desktops.

Is there a setting to update computers so they would not add or remove the desktop icons, instead leave it according to the user’s preference? For example, if a user already has a Firefox icon removed from their desktop can the update be setup to ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Ability to Delete a Device from SCCM DB from Advanced Insights Console

Our Support team regularly builds workstations and can delete devices from the SCCM DB using scripts. Is it possible to add a feature in the Advanced Insights console to delete devices directly, without needing PowerShell scripts? This would be a ...
Guest 5 months ago in Reporting (Advanced Insights) 0 NOTED

Add Bitvise SSH Server software updates

We run an app called Bitvise SSH Server. The app has a setting to automatically install requested updates. We have this turned off because the internet is locked on all our servers. I am requesting that PMPC add Bitvise SSH Server to their list of...
Guest over 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

SEH UTN Manager Software

This software controls the MyUTN dongle servers and connects the remote USB sticks to the PC. SEH is a well-known manufacturer, at least in Europe, for professional USB dongle and print servers. Almost all USB license dongles are supported. The so...
Guest about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Logitech SetPoint

Logitech SetPoint is the application for Logitech mice and keyboards that allows you to customize your settings.
Ryan Steele over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Teams Managed Room agent (MTR Pro)

Allows for Windows OS based Teams Meeting Rooms to be managed by the Teams Room Pro Management portal allowing for monitoring and remediation to common issues.
Tyler Reilly over 1 year ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED

Brother P-Touch Editor

Brother P-Touch Editor i have seen the Dymo tool to in PatchMyPC but not the Brother and we use a lot of the brother printers. i hope we can see Brother P-Touch Editor in patchmypc too :-)
Marc Ledwinka over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 7 NO GO :(

Add Nuance Power PDF

We are switching from Adobe Acrobat to Nuance Power PDF, can we get the updates for this product thru Patch My PC soon?
Guest about 5 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio v18 detection

Hi, I see you only support the update of "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" only in English. Some of our User have installed the SQL Management Studio in other Languages for example in German. Your update installation fails when a other lang...
Guest over 5 years ago in Application Language Support 3 PLANNED

Add logic to only delete desktop icon if there is not a icon already there.

I originally was using the feature to delete desktop icons after updating apps with Intune. The problem this caused was that there were several people who already had icons on their desktop and liked them there that had their icons deleted. So I t...
Ryan Sakai about 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED