A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
would be very useful to append custom text to the default description of Applications/Updates. sometimes users are requested to perform some steps after the installation, and to show those together with the default description would be very useful.
Add Symantec Lient tools such as Endpoint Protection, WSS Agent etc.
I kindly request the addition of support for Symantec products within the Patch My PC catalog. Specifically, I propose the inclusion of Symantec client tools like Endpoint Protection and WSS Agent for the creation of deployment packages and update...
Create application(s) separately from updates publishing
I want to propose a button/checkbox/process to ONLY create/update applications, separate from the publishing of software updates to the WSUS catalog. Although it makes perfect sense to create/update applications as part of a scheduled publishing s...