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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 28, 2023

Add Symantec Lient tools such as Endpoint Protection, WSS Agent etc.

I kindly request the addition of support for Symantec products within the Patch My PC catalog. Specifically, I propose the inclusion of Symantec client tools like Endpoint Protection and WSS Agent for the creation of deployment packages and updates.

As Symantec products, particularly Endpoint Protection and WSS Agent, are widely used for endpoint security and web security management, having them integrated into the Patch My PC catalog would offer significant advantages to administrators and IT teams. This addition would simplify the deployment, maintenance, and updates of these crucial security tools across our network of computers.

By incorporating Symantec product packages into your catalog, you would not only enhance the convenience and efficiency of software management but also provide administrators with a centralized platform to handle updates for a broader range of software.

Which Product is this Request for (New Application Request Only) Patch My PC
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