A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Move assignments option based on dynamic assignments
Use case: To reduce the amount of change that occurs at any given time due to patches in the environment, and only introduce change (patch an application) if it is absolutely necessary. For this example, that is when a security patch is issued to ...
Allow Pre-Scripts to run before the Conflicting Processes check
In some cases, it will be useful to have Pre-Scripts run before the Conflicting Processes check. It would be useful to provide customers the choice on when the Pre-Scripts should run.
Feature Request: More WebHook Providers
Slack and Teams are fantastic first providers to support. In addition to those providers, many businesses and private users may be using other common chat/messaging platforms. Discord (highest personal pri...
This product is behind a pay wall. This has pre-installation scripts that are needed. Execute-MSI -Path "msodbcsql.msi" -Parameters 'IACCEPTMSODBCSQLLICENSETERMS=YES /q' Execute-Process -Path "AutoSPRINK 2022 v17.1.17.exe" -Parameters "/S /v/qn" E...