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a template with the patchmypc publisher already installed would be great for automation. Especially if you could export all of your configurations and have it build on a schedule.
This product updates so frequently it is a pain to keep up-to-date with each release. It is similar to PowerBi Desktop in it's update frequency, and you have added that product. Adding this to your catalog will be a great addition.
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A customer today mentioned that he was unaware of the fact that .net core sdk had been removed from our supported products. This was announced in this KB article - https://patchmypc.com/third-party-software-update-catalog-release-history-april-202...
You already support the XNView Classic Version but not the XNView MP yet. As we use both versions in our company, we can update the Classic Version via Patch My PC and the MP Version not.
When "Override manual assignment changes" is ticked, We record the changes but don't show them in the Report line once the sync has finished. Adding them to the report line would make them more easy to see.