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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 24, 2023

Global Protect Previous Versions aka "Preferred" by Palo support.

Was wondering if it would be possible to publish previous versions of Palo Alto Global Protect to follow the vendor's support recommendation. As of writing this, the latest version in PMPC is 6.1.2 which is current. However, the vendor recommends using 6.1.1 as it is preferred and is marked so on their download url.

This would be a great value add for other products as well. Version control in PMPC would be great so that we could test bleeding edge releases but still have the option of adding a previous release to SCCM or Intune. Additionally, version control would be beneficial in the event that the vendor needs to rollback a newer version due to problems from an unknown bug or some other unforeseen conflict.

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