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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:


All ideas

Showing 2945

Block apps from being mistakenly deployed

An option to block certain apps from being deployed in a company, to prevent mistakes (prefferable together with an explanation and an override option).
Guest 5 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 1 SUBMITTED
209 VOTE

Add detection capability for file info

Detection methods supported in the generic detection script (PowerShell) - only work for MSI or Registry. One application, Adobe Digital Editions, currently can only be properly detected by looking at an info attribute of the installed exe file, s...
Apackager Aga over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 23 SUBMITTED
250 VOTE

Lenovo Commercial Vantage

It is used for all Lenovo Thinkpads (works on thinkcentres as well) to update drivers, manage power settings, etc. It replaces "Lenovo Vantage Enterprise" which is being sunsetted. It also was not as easy to deploy, "Commercial Vantage" seems to b...
jason beale about 4 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 20 NOTED

Autodesk Fabrication

We have been loving the Autodesk patching. Another package we would love to see is Autodesk Fabrication. We use: Fabrication CADmep Fabrication CAMduct Fabrication ESTmep This would be very helpful. Thanks.
Guest about 2 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 NOTED

Start a sync to evaluate all deployments manually

Currently, if I want all my deployments to be evaluated, the best option is to wait for the current scheduled sync to take place. Please add an option to start a sync for my entire Company manually. This setting should allow to start a sync across...
Liviu Barbat about 1 month ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED
333 VOTE

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 & 2019 (Enterprise/Professional/Community) Updates

Hi PatchMyPC, The current way of having to patch this product is horrid. You either have to ask the end user to update providing they have local admin rights or work around with PowerShell scripts which can cause corrupt VS installations is deve...
Daniel Walter over 5 years ago in  14

macOS: Adobe Photoshop

Do it for Jake
Bryan Dam about 1 month ago in Application Request (MacOS) 1 SUBMITTED

macOS: PyCharm

Python IDE from Jetbrains
Morten 26 days ago in Application Request (MacOS) 1 SUBMITTED

Per-App custom application name There is an option to rename the Deployment Display Name when deploying an app, but the name won't be the exact one specified, as...
Liviu Barbat 26 days ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED

Enable the ability to set additional application metadata that syncs to Intune applications

We manage application metadata like Owner for custom Win32 apps in Intune. Since a large number of our apps are now managed by PMPC, we are finding that we have a gap in owner info for PMPC apps in Intune. Trying to link the apps back to a seconda...
Guest 11 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 4 SUBMITTED