A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Software for connecting to high-speed cameras and save videos. Package from Tech Imaging's website includes a lot of other files (USB drivers, SDKs) not necessary for PFV4 to function. Only "PFV Setup64\PFV4_x64.exe" is necessary. The EXE is a pac...
Modify Published Updates Wizard -> INCLUDE FILterR FOR REQUIRED
Using the published Updates Wizard is handy to decline a bad patch, sure. It would be incredibly handy if it included a column that reflected how many systems require the patch like the MECM console does. Why would a Required column be so handy? I...
The open-source LosslessCut-win-x64.7z asset of Lossless Cut needs a proper Windows installer created (with Start menu shortcut added) and of course regular updating. https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut The problem with open-source/free video edi...
Filter apps/updates in publisher based on whether it is checked or not
As it's not always needed to see all applications/updates available to be published, a filter to show only applications/packages that have been enabled or disabled might make the environment less cluttered and easier to skip to the "meat".
Notepad++ try to deactivate autoupdater via "Post-Update Script"
Hi There, I try to delete the "updater" folder in app folder by using a .ps1 script via "Post-Update Script" - this is my solution to get the updater deactivated. Remove-Item " $env:programfiles \Notepad++\updater" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue We...