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Change detection of Adobe Reader DC 32-bit to consider it to be installed if the 64-bit Reader is already installed
Adobe is migrating all Reader DC to 64-bit and we don't want 32-bit to overwrite 64-bit. We can do this manually but changing the script would be most helpful. Probably true for most apps - bypass the 32-bit version if 64-bit is already there.
Hi there, when using the iOS Teams app I find the Publiser notifications are unreadable when I use dark mode. Is it possible you could review and possibly update the card parameters?
I think it would be handy to have the option to just show the apps we have selected on the various Patch My PC - Publishg Settings window. More often than not I find myself going in to adjust an existing app update than selecting a new app to patch.
When searching for a software package we click the find icon in PMPC Publisher. It opens a box, we type in text, and click ok to start the search. Unfortunately, this only ever pulls up the first result. To find the second or third matching result...
Add Intune Publisher pre-configure Program "Device Restart Behavior" options
Currently, without this option, every single Intune app or update must be manually configured upon coming into Intune. For example, we often set PmyPC deployments and or assignments to never be prompted for restarts (even if it needed one). This w...