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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Showing 2956

Add PSeInt

This software allow the student to create algorithms with pseudo code in a friendly way, we use it to introduce the students to the concepts of programming
Guest over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Additional arbitrary registry detection

For some products, they appear in the registry ARP twice: one with SystemComponent value and the other without. While running requirement and detection scripts for ConfigMgr Apps and Intune, we need to be able to add a relative control when loopin...
Adam Cook over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Add FSPViewer

Allows you to view 3D images, helpful for simply needing to view 3D images without any extra features.
Dominick La Ruffo over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED

Support and Recovery Assistant (SaRA)

The Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant works by running tests to figure out what's wrong and offers the best solution for the identified problem. It can currently fix Office, Microsoft 365, or Outlook problems. If the Microsoft Support and R...
Jamie Dickson over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 3 SUBMITTED

Updates-Scan products - Add filter to exclude products that require local content

in the updates node, to query existing apps and auto-publish them, Add a filter to exclude products that require local content
Guest over 3 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Auto defer update if user is in a video conference

I know there are a plethora of VC applications out there now, but it would be useful to detect the top ones and prevent update prompts from popping up while in a video conference - especially while screen sharing! (Similar to the behavior if you h...
Rob Gura over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Hide Banking Information in Web Portal

Typically an IT lead acquires the software, then delegates ownership of getting the product stood up. I am the delegate in this situation. When I log into the portal, I see all of the bank routing info that was put in at time of purchase which is ...
Chris over 3 years ago in Documentation Improvement 0 SUBMITTED

PatchMyPC client to Hybrid Mode.

You have nice user guides for patchmypc application using ConfigMgr, or using Intune, but i would very much like one guide that transitions from ConfigMgr to Intune so you get the best of PatchMyPC while Configmgr is in a co-mgmt state. What requi...
Thomas over 3 years ago in Documentation Improvement 5 NOTED

Automation Anywhere, Inc - Automation Anywhere Bot Agent

Automation Anywhere Bot Agent should be added to the catalog
Peter Gallo over 3 years ago in  0 SUBMITTED

Automation Anywhere, Inc - Automation Anywhere Remote Agent

Automation Anywhere Remote Agent should be added to the catalog
Peter Gallo over 3 years ago in  0 SUBMITTED