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When "Override manual assignment changes" is ticked, We record the changes but don't show them in the Report line once the sync has finished. Adding them to the report line would make them more easy to see.
Configuration Manager Publishing: Add Windows 11 requirement / Windows Server 2022
Similar as there is a requirement for Windows 10 inside the application created in sccm, Windows 11 should also be selected as requirement for CM versions equal or higher than 2107. Same goes for Windows Server 2022 I guess.
Currently when using the Intune Application Manager to mass edit all applications within intune, we have the ability to view and remove categories for application but are unable to add categories. Would we be able to add that feature? Would be hel...
Allow excluded apps to be skipped from product scan
When scanning for supported products in the publishing tool, the ability to exclude already selected apps is great. What would be even more useful is to allow the option to toggle whether apps that are currently excluded from auto-publishing rules...
Allow auto-enabled apps to be filtered by bitness (x86 verse x64)
The ability to have the publishing tool only enable a specific "bitness" of an app would be useful. I.E. If both x86 & x64 editions of a product are available, only auto-enable the x64 version. As an example, in our environment people have a m...