A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
With multiple of admins managing app deployments, it is hard for the admin to determine whether an deployment assignment is Update-only, Available, Required, and/or Available. While there is an option to preview assignments without having to edit ...
Having the ability to apply a different schedule for Email Notifications. Right now email notifications are sent based on the sync schedule, so report is sent everyday. Would it be possible to have a different schedule for email notification. Woul...
Add option for node.js 23 for both apps and updates
Currently node.js versions selectable are 18, 20, 22 and latest available. Please add 23 as an option. Currently the only way to update 23 is by picking latest available, however that will also upgrade earlier versions. we need to be able to selec...
Option for Warnings "Don't show again" in Cloud Portal
When switching architecture there is always a warning "Are you sure you want to proceed? ..." It would be great if you can opt out warnings like that, cause after you deployed 50 or 100 of Apps you know what you are doing and why you have to make ...
Granular Webhooks in Cloud Portal, Like in Publisher
In the OnPrem Publisher Console, users can create multiple webhooks and choose the notification level (All, Success, or Error). This makes it easy to send Error notifications to one Teams or Slack channel and Success notifications to another. MSPs...