A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
We use it to automate Kiosks for auto logon type stuff using the edge browser. The driver and edge browser are version specific. We've found that if edge gets ahead of the driver, issues arise in our automations. Its just an executable, no real in...
Allow admins to enable automatic updates for Advanced Insights or add an option to update from within the portal. Currently, any updates would have to be installed manually.The only wait to find out if there is a newer version available is to chec...
With Postman API management tool having changed their model, lots of users are jumping ship to alternatives. Would be good to support the Hoppscotch fork (ex-Postwoman). https://github.com/hoppscotch/hoppscotch/releases
Visual Studio Community would be a great additionthe updates can be handle easily with the following cmd"vs_Community.exe" update update --passive --wait
Allow Advanced Insights to gather all Network Information
Advanced Insights only uses info obtained by Configuration Manager - which is usually the first IPv4 & IPv6 address. In cases of using a VPN would be nice to see all network info and IP's, as sometimes Configuration Manager will show the users...
Add an option to Publisher to allow the Publishing Report to be dropped as a file
Currently Publisher supports sending the Publisher Report via SMTP or Webhook on the Alerts configuration tab. It's fairly typical in products that send reports via email that there are also options to have reports saved to a folder but this is mi...
My InfoSec team is requesting that I prioritize CISA KEV (https://www.cisa.gov/known-exploited-vulnerabilities-catalog) listed vulnerabilities. It would be incredibly helpful if PMPC could integrate the CISA KEV list into their product and provide...
Alerts: Include the link to the download page for apps that require manual download
Alerts: Include the link to the download page for apps that require manual download. If a software requires a manual download, we are informed in the alerts that are being sent via Email / Webhook. It would be nice if you could include the link to...