A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Sysaid agent client is used for IT Support system. We have to keep creating a new package to update it and would be ideal to save time in doing this automatically through patchmypc.
Threatdown offers a generic installer for their Nebula Endpoint Agent. It would be great if this were available as an installer/updater so we can control the update cadence using PmPC.
We would like to package Adobe Acrobat DC pro 2023 and any version updates it releases. The current version we are using is 23.0008.20470 which has an update available. If it helps, i already have a Manual package of Adobe Acrobat DC pro however i...
We utilize a tool called BeyondTrust (recently renamed, used to be Bomgar) for remote control support in our environment. There is a console and also an agent. I believe that it may require credentials to download updates, but it would still be ve...
Email Alerts - Ability to customize the whole message
Currently in the Publisher console, when enabling the "Send Email Reports", the customization for the message are pretty basic: change the subject field of the email message and add a string of text before the report itself. We would like to have ...
Unity is a cross platform game engine. Besides game development, it is also used for interactive media such as film & animation. Having the LTS version bundled within PatchMyPC would allow computer labs with this application to stay on current...