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création de l'installation silencieuse de l'agent glpi msiexec /i "GLPI-Agent-1.7.1-x64.msi" /passiveREG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\GLPI-Agent /v server /t REG_SZ /d "Your-server-glpi"
We have been deploying SplashtopSOS to our systems, by creating a script that does the following: 1- Creates a directory here: C:\SplashtopSOS. 2- Copies the SplashtopSOS.exe into the directory, and 3- Creates a shortcut to SplashtopSOS.exe here: ...
https://www.cockos.com/licecap/ LICEcap can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to .GIF (for viewing in web browsers, etc) or .LCF (see below). LICEcap is an intuitive but flexible application (for Windows and now OSX), that is de...
The business application for Dell Support Assist allows devices to register to the Dell portal, this requires a custom command line switch and MST files sometimes.
An ongoing concern in education is ensuring the validity of online testing. In short, how can we be sure students aren’t cheating and that the student who has registered for the course is the one actually taking the test? In order to be able to pr...