A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
We have quite a few collections that are used in the background for compliance/reporting/filtering, that clutter the otherwise extremely useful collections drop-down in Advanced Insights console. It would be extremely helpful to have a mechanism t...
création de l'installation silencieuse de l'agent glpi msiexec /i "GLPI-Agent-1.7.1-x64.msi" /passiveREG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\GLPI-Agent /v server /t REG_SZ /d "Your-server-glpi"
An ongoing concern in education is ensuring the validity of online testing. In short, how can we be sure students aren’t cheating and that the student who has registered for the course is the one actually taking the test? In order to be able to pr...
Hello, I would like to request the ability to use Delegated Permissions for the Azure App Registration needed for publishing Intune updates. Acxiom is migrating to a single tenant that hosts multiple organizations (Inter Public Group), and there a...