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There is already the ability to modify an app's name, localized name, description, and icon but not the option to edit keywords. Please add this option. A recent example of when I wanted to modify keywords was for the application Microsoft PowerTo...
Adobe are moving towards a unified installer to simplify and reduce the number of bespoke Acrobat applications. Functionality is unlocked based on user license assignment. We only use the Unified installer, Scappman discovery tool currently lists ...
The PPE client is deployed to all workstations to enforce requirements when a user changes their password. May need to be deployed as manual download as direct link to MSI isn't available as it is contained with the EXE that is within the download...
Global Protect Previous Versions aka "Preferred" by Palo support.
Was wondering if it would be possible to publish previous versions of Palo Alto Global Protect to follow the vendor's support recommendation. As of writing this, the latest version in PMPC is 6.1.2 which is current. However, the vendor recommends ...