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I think this app may be best suited for Custom Apps as the install is behind a login and is possibly unique to each customer. It also requires a unique token & host for each customer.
Adding my votes in on this; this would really help streamline updates for this app. As previously mentioned, local repository would be required, but that's totally ok.
Any update on if this one will work or not? The MSI would need to be downloaded manually and provided like a few other applications, I believe. But this would be very valuable to add.
it would be use full if we could provide you with parameters to our specific environment. script below downloads the package from our environment and then installs the update only requirement is that a version of the client is already on the syste...
I think this app may be best suited for Custom Apps as the install is behind a login and is possibly unique to each customer. It also requires a unique token & host for each customer.
I can provide an MSI for testing if needed.
Please look into this one. It would be a huge help for my organization.
Since I can't vote, I'll add a comment :)
msiexec /i NSClient_102.1.6.1356_Windows.msi token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host=xxxxxxxx.com mode=peruserconfig /qn
Adding my votes in on this; this would really help streamline updates for this app. As previously mentioned, local repository would be required, but that's totally ok.
We currently use the MSI with the token= and host= command line options. It is straight-forward from there.
Any update on if this one will work or not? The MSI would need to be downloaded manually and provided like a few other applications, I believe. But this would be very valuable to add.