A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
So this is going to be difficult to add for a couple of reasons:
- The exe that you download is a self extracting zip. It supports a /s switch, but this literally just extracts the setup exe/msi to your Documents folder, plus it pops up a prompt if the files already exist.
- The resulting extracted content consists of several files, at the bare minimum we'd need the MSI + CAB, but PatchMyPC's catalog cannot cope with multi-file apps at present.
btw just as info
new version out https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-for-autocad-blog/430-1-release-of-arcgis-for-autocad/ba-p/1474121
Sure, when we get capabilities to deal with zipped multi-file installers, we will re-review many apps listed on here that were previously a no-go!
maybe future consideration then? ^^
So this is going to be difficult to add for a couple of reasons:
- The exe that you download is a self extracting zip. It supports a /s switch, but this literally just extracts the setup exe/msi to your Documents folder, plus it pops up a prompt if the files already exist.
- The resulting extracted content consists of several files, at the bare minimum we'd need the MSI + CAB, but PatchMyPC's catalog cannot cope with multi-file apps at present.
Releases with dates!
Release notes (no dates ☹️):
Download page (requires sign in):
This ends up providing a link https://go.esri.com/l/82202/2019-05-20/mk6gln, which may be unique to the person signing in, but it resolves to a generic URL https://gisupdates.esri.com/ArcGIS/ArcGISforAutoCAD430.exe that can be downloaded via Powershell.
So we should be able to add this, but it may require some manual intervention to get the new download URL each time.
Please :)))
any chance?
new version out... https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/autocad/aec/arcgis-for-autocad-410/
msiexec /i "setup.msi" /q