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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 23, 2022

Please release the Chrome Enterprise version

Chrome enterprise is especially helpful for us because it has the capabilities to remove any other versions of chrome regardless of the install path. We have had many users install chrome products in their local appdata folder and it is causing issues when the new version is installed but it cannot cleanup the appdata locations.

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  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jun 24, 2022

    The Chrome Enterprise installer is definitely supposed to remove the user-based installs. This is discussed in the 'Version Issues' section of Google's support found here.

    If you see some left behind installs you may need to manually remediate those. We simply call the provided Google Chrome installer.

    You should be able to clean up the leftover user installs using something like a Configuration Baseline for ConfigMgr or a Proactive Remediation in Intune and have it run as the user. Google provides the regeistry keys you can pull the uninstall string and the uninstall arguments from here. With the Baseline or Proactive Remediation running as the user, you can parse the HKCU registry hive and pull together the full uninstall command to clean these up.

    You are of course welcome to open a support case

  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2022

    Please find the below screenshot

  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2022

    Cody, is there something that I am missing then, when we deploy the updates, it is not removing any other found versions. Do the updates (using full msi installer) not remove other versions. We are finding some machines still showing a vulnerability with older versions of Chrome installed once the patch is deployed.

  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jun 23, 2022

    Hello, the Chrome that we offer is the Enterprise version.

    For reference this is the download link we use for the 64 bit version.

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