Possible to define multiple application deployment from the parent tenant, that will be deployed to one or more of the child tenants. So everything will be handled by the parent tenant, which will then synchronize to defined child tenants.
This will ease the administration and make sure that only one deployment is made instead of making each deployment in every tenant.
This would be absolutely huge for us.
As an MSP, we have perhaps fifty tenants. All of those tenants need the full Adobe checked and that is one example.
Right now that means clicking that box fifty times. Being able to check it once is important.
This also allows us to define a "standard" template that tells all of our clients "We set up patching for all of these applications for you by default" and then if they have custom requests, we could add that at the tenant level.
We would want to be able to see a "top-level" option so that we could consistently see when an item is delivered to all tenants. This would save a great amount of work.