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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:

All applications from home updater should be available in the publishing service

for instance utorrent, steam, picpick, discord, foobar, unlocker, windirstat, winmerge, Angry IP Scanner

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    • Admin
      Justin Chalfant
      Oct 20, 2019

      These are separate products with different user bases. If there's a product not support in the catalog that you want, please submit an individual idea for each product.

      We don't just want to add every product from our home updater to a catalog simply because it exists in the home updater. We only add a product to the catalog based on individual product requests and customer needs. This helps ensure we don't bloat the catalog with products that may not provide value to our Enterprise customers.


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