.net core desktop runtime & hosting bundle are currently supported applications but not the SDK itself which is being requested by our developers for visual studio code extensions.
Requesting app "Microsoft .Net Core 7.0 SDK" but be great to have all other supported .net core SDK's as well included in the catalog (.Net Core 8.0 SDK etc).
Can we please include support for the applications? Understand that it might not make it into the update catalog as Microsoft Update should be maintaining the software versions.
Microsoft have installation scripts for CI/CD agents, this script looks like it will be useful for any PMPC automation :)
function Get-Product-Version-Url
function Get-AkaMSDownloadLink
function Get-AkaMsLink-And-Version
Good News! Microsoft .NET SDK 6, 8, and 9 have been added to the catalog as of yesterday - https://patchmypc.com/patch-my-pc-catalog-update-12-19-24
I understand .NET SDK updates are available via WSUS, but that leaves us with having to manually add the base installer every time there's a new version. .NET SDK 8 is a prerequisite for one of our mission critical apps. Automating this would be very helpful.
This would be fantastic to have.
Please do this! I know you already have the runtimes. We have devs who use this.
+1 We have so many developers who would love this