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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Interactive Notification to User Close Pop Up Running Update Program

Update Application on Client will Update

PowerShell checks if the update application is running (show in TaskManager for running Process)

When this program is running a user window appears where the installation can be moved 5 times or the current update program can be terminated


Postpone Update, the update is repeated after a run of X minutes

Running Upate program is terminated by the user interaction, program will closed and the update is performed

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    • Nic W
      Feb 24, 2021

      Set this up in Preview today and so far it looks good.

      Thoughts so far:

      1. Customizing the text of the Notification

        1. As an example, I would want to edit the text "You can postpone the update installation for Notepad++ 3 times." to instead say "You can postpone the update for Notepad++ up to 3 times."

          1. Removed the word "installation" since users don't care about distinctions

          2. Added "up to" because having the deferral integer next to the application name makes it kind of look like the app is titled "Notepad++ 3"

      2. Multiple update handling

        1. I haven't set this up yet, but I imagine that the workflow for updating multiple apps on 1 system that are all running is:

          1. Notepad++ Update starts >>> Toast Notification sent >>> User Choice >>> Delay while installing and/or moving to next update

          2. VSCode Update starts >>> Toast Notification sent >>> User Choice >>> Delay while installing and/or moving to next update

          3. RoyalTSUpdate starts >>> Toast Notification sent >>> User Choice >>> Delay while installing and/or moving to next update

        2. I'm sure it's down the road, but I'm imagining some users would get tired of a new message for each application.

          1. Would it be possible to have the first app scan other applicable updates and allow them to select one of the actions (Snooze or Close and Update) for all applicable apps?

            1. Might be getting into scope-creep here with reinventing the ConfigMgr/Intune wheels...

      3. Custom Error Code return

        1. When a user defers or the Toast times out, can there be custom error codes returned to Software Center similar to the Application model? (not sure what SCUP's limitations are)

          1. For Applications that I use the Powershell AppDeploy Toolkit with and it throws custom error codes for deferrals, too, so I can run a custom report to translate the codes and see that not all the Errors in the Deployment are true errors.

    • Admin
      Justin Chalfant
      Feb 15, 2021
    • Konstantin Slavin-Borovskij
      Feb 12, 2021

      It looks great (love the Office reference)!I really look forward to seeing it in action, and taking look at the settings and options available.

      But - and I understand that the title of the Idea says "notification pop-up" - shouldn't the user-facing UI be a window? A notification is (too) easily dismissed and even easier overlook, and we as admins wouldn't be able to force a user to take action.

    • Admin
      Justin Chalfant
      Feb 12, 2021

      Hey All,

      I wanted to give a quick update including some internal build workflows of how it looks today! If you like what you see below, you can give David Courtel the software engineer coding this some feedback here Give David Feedback. If you give feedback it may motivate him to code quicker and get a preview out by next week and MAYBE even GIF support for image branding :).

      Here's a preview of how it will look:

      Full GIF animation of UI at:

      When in dark mode:

      When in Light Mode:

    • Jake Snyder
      Feb 5, 2021


      Interactive notifications for software updates would be a great feature for us to detect apps like Citrix Workspace that might be in use.

      Additionally, I think the option to detect for no conflicting processes would provide even more flexibility. Great idea.

    • Claudio Mendes
      Jan 26, 2021

      "an option to display a popup if there are NO conflicting processes" could always be useful... sometimes it would be nice if users could get aware that apps are being updated.

    • Konstantin Slavin-Borovskij
      Jan 25, 2021

      @Cody, such that this would also be an option to defer an update? Yeah, that would be nice. The settings for the defer would be pretty similar in both cases: Max defer times, deadline, etc. Actually, it could just be a "Allow defer" setting , with a flag to "Ask user to kill process" as part of the settings. Now that I think more about it, it could be (sorry if this blows the scope):

      Allow defer:

      • Max defer times / days / until deadline

      • Ask user to close running process / Force close running process (optionally with countdown)

      • Make sure process isn't started during update

      • Maybe an option to display a progress-dialog while the update is running (such that user know, when they can use the app again)?

      • Maybe even company logo?

    • Admin
      Cody Mathis
      Jan 25, 2021


      Would you want to have an option to display a popup if there are NO conflicting processes?

      Or should this only display if there are conflicting processes?

    • Nicholas Worthington
      Jan 19, 2021

      I have recently implemented the asjimene Toast notifications mentioned below and after some headaches with Applocker and finding where the scripts are created and processed (C:\ProgramData\PMPC\) I have managed to get something close to what I am after.

      I look forward to seeing what you are looking to develop.

    • Admin
      Justin Chalfant
      Jan 19, 2021

      We are going to start looking into this from a dev perspective in the coming weeks.

    • Claudio Mendes
      Dec 18, 2020

      martin also has something that can help

    • Claudio Mendes
      Dec 18, 2020

      i meant natively ;)

    • Claudio Mendes
      Dec 18, 2020

      i suppose this will be coming to pmpc soon id really would love to see this coming... maybe through a right click option button named "notifiy user to close app"

    • Admin
      Justin Chalfant
      Oct 8, 2020

      We are going to review and see what this would look like to implement.

    • Nicholas Worthington
      Aug 14, 2020

      It's been a year and surprised no one else has commented on this.

      We also are using PSADT but really want the ease of use of the Patch My PC service.

      I can't imagine 'requiring' an update to Chrome or Edge for instance and it closing automatically especially as there are a lot more web apps in use nowadays.

    • J K
      Nov 11, 2019

      psexec.exe is not working

      ServiceUI was working with User Popup

    • Nic W
      Oct 18, 2019

      This is the primary reason we use PSAppDeployToolkit

      Adding pop-ups for the current user session would be AMAZING for the Software Update side.

    • +32
    26 VOTE

    Add Process Check in Upgrade Rules to Notify Users

    Process check was added in Application Rules and it would be huge to have this feature within Update Rules. This would prevent needing to use a custom script to prompt the user to close the app that's running so that it can update properly.
    Guest over 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SHIPPED
    1 VOTE

    Cisco Jabber - Add 30 minute countdown before killing process and defer option

    Adding a timer/countdown and deferral option to all applications would be nice. Especially for Jabber, because someone may be in the middle of a call when the application upgrades. We currently use the App Deploy Toolkit to allow them to defer and...
    Peter Maudlin almost 5 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 2 SHIPPED