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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 25, 2020

Add application patching for the Dell Command Update tool

All Dell shops could benefit from having PMPC support the patching of this critical tool used to keep Dell systems up-to-date and current.

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    Justin Chalfant
    Apr 4, 2020

    I just wanted to let you all know we haven't forgotten about this request. We are working through some others at the moment that more unique customers are following. If any others come across this idea, please vote it up if it's one you would like to see added.

  • Mike Hartman
    Mar 4, 2020

    Upvoted! There are two version; UWP and Win32. I'm not sure what their development roadmap is, but I think the Win32 version would be best.

    I use the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell\UpdateService\Clients\CommandUpdate\Preferences\Settings\ProductVersion for detection. It is a string, and holds the version number (latest is 3.1.1). Let me know if any other info is needed to get this pushed through. Thanks!

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