A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Add a Show/Hide option for unselected updates/apps
It would be useful to have something like a "Hide unselected apps/updates" checkbox in the UI so that you don't have to scroll through every application to find the ones you've already selected. First world problem I know but still....:)
Show Message if Re-Publish is Needed When Changing a Right-Click Option
I added the option to include logging for the updates but I later discovered that I needed to republish the apps. If I did not look at my daily patch email and saw the warnings, I would never have known and my systems would not get the changes.
Hi, Thanks so much for the accessibility work you did last time I contacted you, it is much appreciated. We recently purchased the product and I now have some long-term accessibility thoughts. In the treeviews, there is no way to tell whether an a...
Vendor media download source direct from PatchMyPC website
it would be great if the downloads came from PatchMyPC.Com, as getting firewall rules approved in the modern day with IT Secuirty is, to say the least, painful, a collegue suggest we move to another product, but I love PatchMyPC and want to remain...
Now if you change a setting in a pmp app (pre-post action) trigger the publishing sync a new alert is send, would only want an alert with new version/update. Not when modifying the app settings.