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Intune/AAD integration: Reduce AppSecret expiry threshold, or make variable
AAD app registration secret keys can expire as quickly as 3 months, and many security teams will not allow consumers to issue a secret for more than 12 months. Currently we start receiving expiry notifications 30 days in advance, which is a bit so...
Show Message if Re-Publish is Needed When Changing a Right-Click Option
I added the option to include logging for the updates but I later discovered that I needed to republish the apps. If I did not look at my daily patch email and saw the warnings, I would never have known and my systems would not get the changes.
When I try to use the PMC Console on server for SCCM updates or Apps, I get a prompt that its in use. I need to search for people who have access to check who is using it. Instead if it directly shows me the username of the person using the consol...
Now if you change a setting in a pmp app (pre-post action) trigger the publishing sync a new alert is send, would only want an alert with new version/update. Not when modifying the app settings.
Courtesy of Bruce. It would be nice if update failure logs could also be copied to Azure blob storage. This would be especially helpful for Intune Only devices. "Right now we can only add a network path to the installation log feature but Intune d...
Integrate existing .xml command lines into Modify Command Lines
Currently to find out what PatchMyPc is using for default command line`s you have to dig into .xml files/log files. It would be beneficial to be able to view the default options used when browsing the modify command line context menu, as a subtext...
Hi, Thanks so much for the accessibility work you did last time I contacted you, it is much appreciated. We recently purchased the product and I now have some long-term accessibility thoughts. In the treeviews, there is no way to tell whether an a...