A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Would we be able to create a dashboard/report for ConfigMgr updates that a customer may have enabled that are "not required" on all 100% of devices? Then possibly create a button that allows them to remove them from the environment and/or uncheck ...
We would like an option to list by remediation rather than CVE. Some remediations cover multiple CVEs and we feel it would be more effective to filter in this way.
https://download.nexthink.com/releases/latest/Win_Collector/collector.zip Find the Collector MSI file NEXThink_Collector.msi in the folder arm64 > signed. Installing Collector on a single device Use the Collector MSI package to install Collecto...
Notify for New CVEs/Threats in the Treat Analytics View
If there is a new threat or CVE found in the environment, it would be great to get notified via email or a webhook like Teams. How many devices? The score of CVE / Severity Maybe not in the email, but link to the vulnerability being tracked Remedi...
Make updates for R for Windows app available in PMPC tool for Intune Updates
Currently, PMPC tool doesn't have Intune app updates for R for Windows app, so it would be good to make updates available for this app in Intune updates section. My customer uses this app and enabling this will make easy for deploying updates for ...
Set custom default for "Manage conflicting processes"
The default for apps which need MCP to be enabled is "skip". This feature request is to let customers change their desired default, which changing the MCP option for All Products. In other words, what if a customer wants "notify" or "auto-close" a...
As we head into the era of ✨Copilot+ PCs✨, it's essential that we be able to continue patching apps on those machines with native versions. Therefore, I request that the Cisco Secure Client for ARM be added to Patch My PC.