A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Add ability to bulk-edit deployment settings in cloud
e.g. for MCP settings, allow available uninstall, etc If somebody wants to change these values for multiple apps, it is a pain to go through them one by one.
When an install fails on a device, the on-device error logs need to be obtained and reviewed, as no useful error information is available via Intune. Could PMPC push any error message/install failure errors to an errors page that is visible in PMP...
The ability to deploy content as a Win32 app without using an installer or being provided a dummy installer. There are cases were a client request a desktop shortcut, network to be created, or if a file/folder needs to be pushed. Ability for PMPC ...
Can we have custom admin roles? We have a use case where some of our Service Desk engineers will be packaging apps and it would seem "Intune App admin" is a good fit. But there are some permissions where I am not comfortable them having access to,...
Danyal Aboobakar
about 2 months ago
in Patch My PC Cloud
At the moment in "Discovery" only apps are displayed which can be found in "App Catalog".We want to decrease the management / administration efforts and use PaMP as the main tool and also use the "Discovery" as some kind of indication if there are...
Matthias Fleschütz
about 2 months ago
in Patch My PC Cloud
Cloud Discovery feature - include device name and app version information
With the OnPrem Publisher, the Intune Scan Wizard includes a hyperlink under the 'Device Count' column that lists the device names that have the software installed, as well as the App Version.