A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Advanced Insights provides a great high-level overview of many of these dashboards. When trying to drill in and identify trends, I've noticed that there's almost always more device info I wish was in the tables with no ways of adding it. Some spec...
Certain Governments are requesting that powershell on workstations run with CLM enabled. Using this feature enabled, the detection script used with PatchMyPc fails as it uses lines which are blocked. There already apparently is working scripts wit...
Extend the application user experience setting with option for adding language for tab software center and localized discription
we also add dutch language to the software center tab of every application in order to set the localized description in dutch. Would be great if we can do this in the publishing service. So that it won't be removed when using auto update application
Add a checkbox to Intune CSV Export to allow Automatic Export at Sync
PowerBI using a gateway is capable of refreshing data on a set interval from a spreadsheet. However, exporting this data is currently a manual process for the end user. Providing the ability to allow an automatic export post sync, and provide a de...
AI Software Usage Dashboard provides PMPC Metering Rules for PMPC Catalog
Would love a one-click or provided suggestions on Filenames for PMPC catalog items for software metering rules. Current implementation requires manual intervention to identify the executable and file version.
Visio Viewer is often used by companies where Visio licensing is either unaffordable or not required
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=51188 Visio Viewer 2016
TenCent is a Chinise eqivilant to Zoom an very popular in that region. It update frequently and users require elevated privalidge to carry out the update manually
Scan Intune: Allow Defender ATP data to be used instead of Intune
Use Defender ATP for Intune application inventory for the scan utility and publishing rules Mentioned in this article: https://patchmypc.com/scan-intune-for-supported-products