A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Tried installing the app on my workstation, was unable to see any dialog or the button objects in the installer. Has to switch off dark mode to work with installer.PatchMyPC-Publishing-Service.msi
Please add a way to preview the Selective Sync apps before clicking the " Run Publishing Service Sync" or have the PatchMyPC.log update to list XXXapp added to selective sync.
Show example secret and key for Dell Warranty config in advanced insights.
Show an example Dell Warranty API key in the documentation. The Dell site has the secret wrapped in () which the advanced insights config page will take, but won't work to download any Warranty data.
Feature Request - Custom Severity tag in ConfigMgr, per product
I have a particular need to sort products into custom severity groups. I was wondering if it would be possible in the future to have the PatchMyPC tool actually populate the custom severity field in ConfigMgr for a product, for each of its release...
Create a SQL Server Management Studio 17 to 18 Migration Update
It would be awesome if you could create a SSMS v17 to v18 migration update like you did with Java 7 to 8. It would help simplify moving to the new version for my systems (and hopefully others) by quite a bit.
Configure Software Updates -> Microsoft Updates page work without Internet connection
Microsoft Update display doesn't work now without the clients having direct Internet Access. Microsoft has this ability in the Windows update API, we use it for offline update catalog scanning.Please see: Using WUA to Scan for Updates Offline - Wi...