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TenCent is a Chinise eqivilant to Zoom an very popular in that region. It update frequently and users require elevated privalidge to carry out the update manually
Scan Intune: Allow Defender ATP data to be used instead of Intune
Use Defender ATP for Intune application inventory for the scan utility and publishing rules Mentioned in this article: https://patchmypc.com/scan-intune-for-supported-products
Would be useful to get this packaged as used by a lot of developers Silent install: https://docs.devexpress.com/GeneralInformation/15656/installation/install-devexpress-net-products/silent-install-mode GUI install: https://docs.devexpress.com/Gene...
Our Devs use this to test their software on local Windows. BrowserStackLocal.msi https://www.browserstack.com/docs/local-testing/releases-and-downloads#local-native-application