A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Clean up ConfigMgr Software Update Groups and Deployment Packages
For lack of a manual or automated clean-up procedure on SUGs and Update Deployment Pkgs, it would be really cool to have the PmP publishing service do a clean-up. Here's what I saw at a customer today... The package for PmP content had accumulated...
Application Manager remembering the last column layout
Every time I open this window to check on Failed/Pending etc I always repeat the same 4 actions (Turn off Description and Publisher columns, Turn on Failed column, Resize Name column). If the app remembers the last layout, then each person can cus...
Copy Assignments from Intune Apps to Intune Updates for same Application
If you assign like 5-10 Group to one app and have 15+ Apps being published over Intune, it would be really grate if i could copy the Assignments from Intune Apps to Intune Updates. Would be Really Time Saving.
We have configured PatchmyPC in the environment. Please add the following three applications, as PMPC does not support them.
Apache Ant version 1.7.1
Apache Maven Version 3.5.4
APPGATE version 5.4.2
PDF Architect is an alternate PDF editting solution to Adobe and others like it. The UI is modelled after MS Office to make it easier for users to navigate and learn the app.