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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Showing 3004
340 VOTE

Autodesk DWG TrueView

Offline viewer for filetype DWG, DWF and DXF.
Sascha Joswig over 5 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 31 FUTURE CONSIDERATION

Option to Uninstall Software not in catalog

Please provide the option to uninstall software that is not provided in the Patch My PC Catalog.
Andrew Jimenez 4 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Skip installation X times when conflicting process are running and then start to notify the user to close the application

We don’t want our users to spam them with too many toasts/notifications when we want to patch and the application is in use. Could this idea be implemented? If the upgrade process begins and encounters a conflicting process, it will automatically ...
Eric van Voorthuizen 9 months ago in Custom Apps 1 SUBMITTED

macOS: Wireshark

It's like the movie Jaws ... but for network traffic. Note: Separate Intel and Apple silicon installers.
Bryan Dam about 1 month ago in Application Request (MacOS) 1 SUBMITTED

macOS: Printix Client

Printix is a cloud print management solution. It would appear that the installers are paywalled: there is no public URL to download them.
Bryan Dam about 1 month ago in Application Request (MacOS) 0 SUBMITTED

macOS: Docker Desktop

It's like a lot of different small little computers, all running on one computer.On your desktop. Note, there's installers for Apple vs Intel silicon.Also, it feels like they're previewing a per-customer customized installer that includes their li...
Bryan Dam about 1 month ago in Application Request (MacOS) 1 SUBMITTED

macOS: Cyberduck

Because we love ducks, of all kinds here.
Bryan Dam about 1 month ago in Application Request (MacOS) 1 SUBMITTED
218 VOTE

Add detection capability for file info

Detection methods supported in the generic detection script (PowerShell) - only work for MSI or Registry. One application, Adobe Digital Editions, currently can only be properly detected by looking at an info attribute of the installed exe file, s...
Apackager Aga over 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 23 SUBMITTED

Add Support for VM Applications

It would be beneficial if PatchMyPC could bring support for VM Application. In this approach the application would be uploaded to an Azure Compute Gallery of the Customer and the Customer could distribute those application to Virtual Machines in A...
Pratheep Sinnathurai 4 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

User notification progress bar when utilizing the Conflicting Process right click option

If i deploy an app/update and have enabled the Conflicting process option to prompt the user it would be nice to have an option for the UINotification process to provide a progress bar. Example: Zoom app is deployed with conflicting process option...
Jonathan Pratt 6 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED