A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape was originally ...
COPASI is a free Biochemical System Simulator software used for teaching and research. It is used widely in modelling biological, biochemical, and chemical systems. It uses the INNO installer and as such, the setup.exe supports silent installation...
It would be beneficial if PatchMyPC could bring support for VM Application. In this approach the application would be uploaded to an Azure Compute Gallery of the Customer and the Customer could distribute those application to Virtual Machines in A...
Skip installation X times when conflicting process are running and then start to notify the user to close the application
We don’t want our users to spam them with too many toasts/notifications when we want to patch and the application is in use. Could this idea be implemented? If the upgrade process begins and encounters a conflicting process, it will automatically ...
Eric van Voorthuizen
9 months ago
in Custom Apps
The ability to deploy content as a Win32 app without using an installer or being provided a dummy installer. There are cases were a client request a desktop shortcut, network to be created, or if a file/folder needs to be pushed. Ability for PMPC ...
I already love the new App Discovery feature, but I think it would be easier to use, if you would be notified about new unmanaged but supported applications in your environment. This would resolve having to check the discovery page and instead cou...
We have been loving the Autodesk patching. Another package we would love to see is Autodesk Fabrication. We use: Fabrication CADmep Fabrication CAMduct Fabrication ESTmep This would be very helpful. Thanks.