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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Add ServiceNow Password Reset Windows Application to Third Party Catalog for SCCM

This is a program that updates fairly regularly and is deployed to all of our computers in our domains.
Guest about 4 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED

UPBGE - Game engine built over the famous Blender 3D tool

UPBGE is a game engine built over the famous Blender 3D tool. It is internally integrated in such a way that what you see in the Blender viewport (EEVEE) is what you will see in-game. This is used in conjunction with blender at various schools as ...
Jamie McNamara about 1 year ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

FLIR Thermal Studio Suite

This is a thermal imaging software used with Teledyne thermal imaging cameras. Keeping it updated via PMPC would be convenient.
Nick Sonnacchio about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Quest Analytics Suite

Used in Healthcare orgs
Guest about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Publish update or application based on "Update Classification" to allow only Security updates to be published

From time to time, we run into a situation where a regular or critical update is published which then supersedes a "Security Update." Our request would be to allow customer to specifically select the "Update Classification" (Security, Critical, Up...
Lee Langley about 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 NOTED

Automate WSUS Product selections

Software Update Point Component Properties - Products (tab) Add a hidden process that will detect every product in the list on each device (with every hardware inventory). Add a "minimum threshold" value which is the minimum number of detect...
Michael Haferkamp about 3 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

add a vpn check option

this could be very usefull at least for mission critic updates in a vpn connected environment for instance to detect any network/security/vpn related app maybe based on
Claudio Mendes about 4 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 6 SUBMITTED

change toast notification from fixed -> normal

Brief Overview:The current Toast notification requesting an application shutdown/restart is static and persistent, causing users who are utilizing their main display to lose a portion of their display until the toast notification is resolved. UIX ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

PLease Add Foxit PDF Editor Pro 13

Foxit Editor 13 has been added to PMPC but it only seems to be the standard version. I've had request for the Pro version to be added. I can provide the install files if needed
Guest about 1 year ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

WinSCP - Configuration keys on HKCU

Hi, We are trying to integrate WinSCP using PatchMyPc, but we found that most of the configurations for this product are HKCU registry keys. You are possible aware that opening user profiles in a Post-Script, may corrupt some of the existing user ...
Joel E.G. about 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 NOTED