A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
We love the amount of apps in the app catalog. But as the portal returns to the first page after creating a deployment and for general usability it would be great if you could browse by letters. Meaning I can click on "K" and I am at the first app...
Matthias Fleschütz
about 1 month ago
in Patch My PC Cloud
Primary document management client for the legal industry. 1 million active users globally. Currently the app can self-update, but requires user consent to close conflicting apps.
If an application was deployed previously (as patch or even as uninstall), because it was discovered, you will never see, when you can remove it from deployment, as it just gets deleted from discovery. So you keep deploying unneeded apps forever.
Please provide the actual VLC Updates to V 30.0.21 (already available since about 4 weeks), so the actual security leaks will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank You :)
It would be awesome to have additional status (and even logging) information on single deployments in PaMP Cloud as well. The information is generally available in Intune, but it would be great to work more just with one tool regarding all App rel...