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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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All ideas

Showing 3035
194 VOTE

Provide migration solution from OnPrem Publisher to PMPC SaaS portal

Once you will have full feature parity between the two products specified in the title, can you please provide a tool allowing us to migrate current settings and config from the OnPrem Publisher to the PMPC SaaS portal?
Liviu Barbat 7 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 1 SUBMITTED
858 VOTE

Automatically uninstall other editions of the same product

Uninstall other editions detected on the device that isn't the deployed application. For example: if the customer deploys 7-Zip 64bit MSI application as required to a device, and the device has 7-Zip 32bit EXE or any other flavour of 7-Zip install...
Adam Cook over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 17 SUBMITTED
152 VOTE

Branding: Multi-Language Support for "Conflicting Processes" Notification

MCP related: add the ability to input and customize text for the "Conflicting Processes" notification in multiple languages, accessible within the "Branding" section.
Liviu Barbat 5 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 3 STARTED
228 VOTE

Custom PowerShell Script Packaging for Intune

We request the ability to add and package custom PowerShell scripts as Win32 Intune apps directly within Patch My PC, eliminating the need for manual packaging using IntuneWinAppUtil.exe. Key Features: Support for adding multiple files alongside P...
Max Soukhomlinov 9 months ago in Custom Apps 1 SUBMITTED

Show Apps Not Installed

You can select to show only those app installed i.e. My Apps, but it would be useful to see a list of those apps that you don't have installed.
David Ratcliffe 9 days ago in Home Updater (Features) 0 SUBMITTED

Autodesk Software Installation

Hello, I have recently been working on integrating Autodesk products into Intune and deploying them through this platform. Unfortunately, the process hasn't gone as smoothly as expected, and installations often fail. During my investigation, I not...
Guest 2 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED

Windows OS: Mega 12

We have a requirement to deploy Mega X The software is publicly accessible and supports silent install\uninstall The software does not force a device reboot on install\uninstall "MEGA_11.0.13_win64_setup.exe" /SILENT /VERYSILENT" Silent uninstall...
Andrew Boyd 5 days ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Windows OS: AutoDesk Mesh Mixer

We have a requirement for the mass deployment of Autodesk Mesh Mixer the software is publicly accessible The installer as below Autodesk_Meshmixer_v3p5_Win64.exe" $args = " /S" The uninstaller can be removed silently $process = "C:\Program Files\A...
Andrew Boyd 5 days ago in Application Request (Windows) 2 FUTURE CONSIDERATION

Sibelius to write, share, and publish music

From concert halls to classrooms, more composers, arrangers, and educators rely on Sibelius to write, share, and publish music. Sibelius powers today’s professional music industry with sophisticated features like AI-powered accelerators, advanced ...
John-Eilif Eliassen 5 days ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED
613 VOTE

Support ARM architecture

A number of applications in the Patch My PC catalog offer ARM architecture support and this seems to be gaining popularity. A couple examples I've noticed thus far are Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, Sysmon just released ARM support this ...
Shane Conner over 2 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 15 PLANNED