A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Cloud Portal for Intune Application Publishing (Saas)
For Intune only customers, instead of running the publishing tool on a customer owned device, a cloud portal would remove the requirement of keeping a system online just to run the scheduled application updates
Dell Command | Endpoint Configure for Microsoft Intune
This is Dell's agent to support the new "BIOS Configurations" template in Intune. You feed the template a config file and it interacts with the agent to apply those BIOS configurations. Install guide: https://dl.dell.com/content/manual52371649-del...
Add a "Preview" visual indicator for any feature that is currently in public preview
If customers enable the Preview feature within the Patch My PC Cloud portal, there is no way of telling which feature is in Preview currently, directly from the portal.Adding a visual indicator would help.
NXLog Community Edition (Windows Event Log to Syslog Agent)
NXLog Community Edition (NXLog-CE) is a lightweight agent for Windows that converts specific Windows Event Log streams from the .evtx format into several Syslog formats. It has no Agent GUI to speak of to perform configurations, but instead relies...