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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Showing 3006

Add VirtualBox Extension Pack to Catalog

We have quite a few systems needing this extension pack and we already use the PMPC application for deploying VirtualBox, so this would help us keep them in lock step as they need to version match.
Benjamin Meis over 1 year ago in Application Request (Windows) 2 SUBMITTED
121 VOTE

IBM SPSS & Amos Many of our labs use this Statistics software and it on version 25 and they do update it also uses a key would be nice to add this in
A P over 5 years ago in Incompatible Requests 12 NOTED

New Sync Schedule "Weekdays only"

We would like to have an option to only sync on weekdays, because on weekends there is nobody in the office.
Daniel Spangl 3 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

IDM UltraEdit (E) - the enterprise version

UltraEdit has an enterprise version as well, would it be possible to start supporting that as well?
Liviu Barbat almost 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 1 SUBMITTED
101 VOTE

Dell Optimizer

Our Dell rep indicated this software would be beneficial on the new x310, x410, x510 models. Dell Precision Optimizer is in the Microsoft Store... not sure if they plan to add this version or not. Appears to only be supported on these newer models...
Guest over 4 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 7 SUBMITTED

Display detection rule

Make the detection rule for a deployment visible in the UI
Scott McAllister 10 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED

Pritunl App

Pritunl is a VPN app that is a pain to update when it's available. It would be nice to have this managed by PatchmyPC
Guest 8 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 3 FUTURE CONSIDERATION
124 VOTE

Separate Sync Schedule for Apps vs Patches

It would be nice to allow Apps to sync once a week while patches could sync every day. Scenario: Schedule set to daily at 2:00am. Patches and Apps sync and distribute to all DPs (how we have it configured). Content transfer gets deep queue and dur...
Guest over 5 years ago in Patch My PC Publisher 11 SUBMITTED


Netpresenter is installed on all our laptops. It would be nice if PMPC would support it ;-)
Guest 2 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Create WDAC policy from "Right-Click Options" Menu

The PMPC Publisher downloads apps before packaging them for Intune. The New-CIPolicy cmdlet can read the Publisher cert and export a small WDAC policy in .xml format. Customers can then use the WDAC Wizard to merge this policy with their existing ...
Guest 6 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED