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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Showing 2988

Adobe Acrobat DC Pro 2023

We would like to package Adobe Acrobat DC pro 2023 and any version updates it releases. The current version we are using is 23.0008.20470 which has an update available. If it helps, i already have a Manual package of Adobe Acrobat DC pro however i...
Guest about 1 year ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED


windows_exporter is an open-source Prometheus exporter for Windows devices.
Cameron Chorba about 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Add app: eDek

Please add new app to the auto updated software list. App name: eDek The eDek programme is used to prepare and manage tax returns in Poland.
Guest 5 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

SaaS - Visual flag/icon for apps that need to be closed to be updated (MCP)

Just like we have today on the Publisher, a visual flag/icon for app that actually do need to be closed to be updated seems like a very good addition. Some companies simply do not want or cannot have a Win32 app deployed as Required for the whole ...
Hugo Marinho 6 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED

PMPC SaaS Portal - Add 'CC' field for the 'Contact Support' form

Would be helpful if we add colleagues in CC when contacting PMPC Support from the portal
Liviu Barbat 6 months ago in Patch My PC Cloud 0 SUBMITTED

Email Alerts - Ability to customize the whole message

Currently in the Publisher console, when enabling the "Send Email Reports", the customization for the message are pretty basic: change the subject field of the email message and add a string of text before the report itself. We would like to have ...
Alexandre P. about 1 year ago in Patch My PC Publisher 1 SUBMITTED

Install & Update BeyondTrust Remote Support Tools

We utilize a tool called BeyondTrust (recently renamed, used to be Bomgar) for remote control support in our environment. There is a console and also an agent. I believe that it may require credentials to download updates, but it would still be ve...
jason beale almost 4 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 4 SUBMITTED


keep openLCA updated. OpenLCA: Design and build a fast, reliable, high-performance, modular framework for sustainability assessment & life cycle modelling, that allows visually attractive and flexible modelling, for sophisticated and simple mo...
Rune Pettersen about 2 months ago in Application Request (Windows) 0 SUBMITTED

Customize user notification per app

Customize the user notification per app, and display different text for different apps. Example, Forticlient EMS needs a reboot before the user can connect VPN. It will also disconnect their VPN during the update. We'd like the ability to change t...
Rory Russell 10 months ago in Patch My PC Publisher 0 SUBMITTED

Unity Editor - LTS

Unity is a cross platform game engine. Besides game development, it is also used for interactive media such as film & animation. Having the LTS version bundled within PatchMyPC would allow computer labs with this application to stay on current...
T F over 2 years ago in Application Request (Windows) 4 SUBMITTED