A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Your support for Keepass2 has been a great help. Unfortunately we are also required to ditribute the german translation pack alongside with Keepass. Since these are not updated with PatchMyPc we end up either distributing translationspacks for old...
The "Run Publishing Service Sync" button on the "Sync Schedule" tab REALLY needs a confirmation button to prevent full syncs from accidentally being executed.
This is useful because if you accidentally click this button when a Selective Sync i...
Enable or disable Patch My PC predefined pre/post install scripts. Currently, Patch My PC predefined scripts are included by default in the Cloud solution, not visible in the UI, and there is no way of opting out of using that predefined script.
We would like to set a schedule to apply our 3rd party updates during the same time that Microsoft releases patches on patch tuesday every month. Having more control with when we want to publish the intune updates to are users would be really help...
The current VMware Horizon 8 Client in PatchMyPC is Major Version 2306. There currently is a newer Version 2309 that is not yet available in PatchMyPC but is on the VMware side. Therefore I would suggest renamming the current VMware Horizion 8 to ...
Ecatcher serves as Ewon's remote access VPN client. With Ecatcher, you can easily connect to your remote devices through Talk2m and handle your account, all within a single software. Ecatcher is available as a desktop client or as a mobile applica...
Om graafschade te voorkomen moet u weten welke kabels en leidingen u in de grond kan tegenkomen wanneer u grondwerken wilt uitvoeren, Daarom bent u verplicht om een KLIP-aanvraag te doen. KLIP stuurt uw aanvraag door naar alle mogelijk betrokken k...
After a SCCM/MEMCM Upgrade, all consoles need to be upgraded. Currently PMPC doesn't create a deployment for the MECM Console. If it could somehow check the MEMCM infra version, and then pull the console.exe and then deploy it. The console self-up...