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Patch My PC Feature and Application Request

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Created by Basiel Deckers
Created on Jul 16, 2021

Configure and retain requirements on package in Intune

We need to assign the adobe reader full package to all users so it can be used in autopilot.

Therefore I want to put a requirement on the full adobe reader so it only installs when adobe reader is not on the system.

I would like the ability to set a requirement on a Intune App/Update in Intune, and it be carried forward through subsequent versions of the app/update made by the Publisher. Or perhaps the ability to define the Intune requirements in the Publisher just like you can in the Intune console.

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  • Basiel Deckers
    Jan 22, 2023

    Thanks for fulfilling this request Cody!

  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jan 21, 2023

    This is now in production.

    Please let us know if you run into any issues with this!

    As noted previously. This is specifically copying forward requirements. Customizing them in the UI will be evaluated at a later time.

  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jan 10, 2023


    With this feature in preview you will be able to do this. You will have to add the requirement yourself in Intune, but once you add it the existing requirement will carry forward between versions as long as the copy checkbox is checked.

    What is not there now is the configuration of these additional requirements in the PMPC UI. So, the adding of requirements initially has to happen within Intune. But, that would be a one-time operation for the specific product. Unless of course you need to edit the rule down the road.

  • Matt Lawniczak
    Jan 10, 2023

    Hi @Cody Mathis, for us the part that we sorely need is the ability to add additional requirement rules to Intune apps. We have several apps that we deploy automatically during the AutoPilot deployment process, Adobe Reader is one example. Having the ability to have the Intune apps only install on devices that DO NOT currently have the software installed would give us the ability to manage the updates of these applications on a much more predictable cadence, instead of having them go out to all of our AutoPiloted devices right away when an Intune app has a new version released.

    I believe it was mentioned on one of the PMP calls last year that this was something that could possibly be looked at.

  • Gerardo Hernandez
    Jan 10, 2023

    I think it would be really helpful too.

  • Brandon Brown
    Jan 7, 2023

    Thanks Cody! It would be very helpful to be able to configure requirements in the UI.

  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jan 7, 2023

    Alright, this is in the latest preview We will get the documentation updated soon, but there is an additional checkbox in the Intune Options, and in the right-click option for Override. It allows you to check if you want to copy requirements forward when new versions are published.

    How helpful would it be to have the UI in the Publisher for configuring requirements in addition to the copy forward?

  • Admin
    Cody Mathis
    Jan 5, 2023

    Merging another idea in... We should have this in preview shortly!

    The initial implementation will be a checkbox to allow copying forward requirements.

    Managing the custom/additional requirements in the Publisher UI will be considered at a later time.

  • Brandon Brown
    Dec 22, 2022

    Yes please! This would be very useful in my org where we deploy Acrobat Reader during Autopilot ESP but want to ensure Reader does not get reinstalled later if the user upgrades to Acrobat Standard or Pro.

  • Tyler Reilly
    Nov 8, 2022

    Adding votes to this, I'd like to be able to defer "Intune Update" until after Autopilot ESP is completed.

  • Pierre Rondeau Manningham
    Nov 4, 2022

    Adding votes on this one. We need to set a requirement for ESP so the PMPC publisher should either give us the option to set this requirement for us or at the very least allow us to retain existing requirements.

    Thank you

  • Guest
    Oct 10, 2022

    This would be very useful for use with Autopilot required apps.

  • Trond Eirik Haavarstein
    Sep 19, 2022

    Very needed. We have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC set as required installation. This works fine until our users install Acrobat DC (paid version via Creative Cloud) which makes new versions marked as failed installations and screw up our stats. I fix this today by adding a requirement rule. Is there any way to do this with right click options? I’m afraid I will forget and the same will happen at next time Reader DC gets an update.

  • Matt Lawniczak
    Aug 8, 2022

    Still hoping that this could be implemented. We have several apps provided by PatchMyPC automatically deployed during AutoPilot. The ability to add a requirement rule that lets us run a script or look for a file within PatchMyPC on the Intune (install) Apps would be incredibly helpful. That way we could control the app updates instead of having them go out automatically to all of the computers when a new version of an Intune App is released.

  • +41

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