MSP for Patch My PC Cloud.
Managed Service Providers (MSP's) manage a lot of customers. It takes great effort to update applications for all of them. This feature reduces this time by managing all customers from one portal. Switch easily between your customers from your PMPC Cloud portal and deploy applications to each individual customer tenant.
Love it!
Thank you for showing interest in Patch My PC - Cloud's MSP/Multi-Tenant Private Preview.
We are currently under development, but are taking Applicants now in preparation for the Private Preview.
Please complete the MSP Private Preview Application so we can send you an invite to the Private Preview soon!
Patch My PC - Cloud | MSP Private Preview Application
What kind of infos need to be sent to, to be considered for the private preview?
I see testing can now be done.
Is it possible to migrate tenants we are currently using Publisher with (settings, etc.) over to the preview, or is this still in the works? =)
Hello everyone,
We are looking for customers to help us test this feature as part of a private preview that will be starting soon.
If anyone is interested and willing to test, please email
This would be a key feature that would assist us greatly.
Would be a great addtion. The Cloud Portal is great
Eagerly awaiting this! =)