A community where customers and the community can provide feedback to make a better product for everyone! For more details on how we prioritize request, please see:
Your support for Keepass2 has been a great help. Unfortunately we are also required to ditribute the german translation pack alongside with Keepass. Since these are not updated with PatchMyPc we end up either distributing translationspacks for old...
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio v18 detection
Hi, I see you only support the update of "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" only in English.
Some of our User have installed the SQL Management Studio in other Languages for example in German.
Your update installation fails when a other lang...
Currently, only the en-us and MUI release are supported by Patch My PC. We do have many customers using the "single language" de-de release of Acrobat Reader DC. Would it be possible to add that to the catalog?
winrar is available in different languages and there are no languages pack available. If you install english version, only english is available. When i installed it via SCCM i created two deployment types regarding OS languages so german OS got ge...